We are a boutique investment advisory firm, named in the spirit of constantly learning so as to improve our decision-making. We help you, whether as an individual, a foundation and or a business, invest your assets. Our approach is simple. We study your commitments and invest according to them. Rather than engage in short-term speculation or periodic fads, we recommend long-term proven approaches. Our mission and primary motivation is to help you match your assets with your commitments in a comfortable, low-risk way so that you can live better.

Our compensation is fee-based, in order to minimize misalignment between you and us. Further, our compensation does not include the widely used "profit participations" as we believe that these are excessively expensive. We believe that a "flat percentage of assets under management" fee is understandable, can be structured fairly and is likely to be mutually agreeable over the long run if the job is well done. To further protect against misalignment, we commit our own personal assets to the same portfolio which we build for you. We believe that a good investment is a good investment, regardless of age, income or net worth.

We provide this website in order to deepen your understanding of our process. By providing planning tools, recent research on companies purchased and specific commentary, we hope to inspire the client confidence so critical in reducing emotional reactivity. You are an important partner in delivering superior results.